
I don’t have a writing diary like The Daily Screenwriter.

I kinda/sorta used to. In the early days – a holdover from my old nine-to-five life – I used to have various spreadsheets that tracked the hours per day I was pouring into whichever projects. I don’t do it so much now.

What I still do – and it’s another holdover – is save each and every iteration of a script. Having been burnt in my formative wordprocessing years by M$ Word crashing and losing hours of work, every time I open a document, I immediately SaveAs and rename the file. No, I don’t rename it whatever strikes me at the time – I have a system. Here’s a typical filename:

081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt

From the above, I can see that:

  • it was generated or amended (as it was in this case) on 19 December 2008 (“081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt”);
  • it’s for my project, Bangers, a feature script about a socially inept butcher’s foray into adult entertainment (“081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt”);
  • it’s the script document (sometimes it can be the pitch or treatment or general notes) (“081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt”);
  • it’s version 2.1 meaning it’s on its first revision of the second draft (“081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt”);
  • and I’m using open source, baby! (“081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt“)

A directory listing of this file and its friends would look something like this:

081207  Bangers  script 1.9.odt
081210  Bangers  script 1.9.1.odt
081210  Bangers  script 1.9.1.pdf
081216  Bangers  notes 1.9.1.odt
081215  Bangers  script 2.0.odt
081218  Bangers  script 2.0.odt
081219  Bangers  script 2.1.odt

Yes, a directory listing for any project I’m working on can run into the hundreds of files.

Yes, it’s anal.

But it’s comforting. It’s more a paper trail than a writing diary, but it’s proof that I’m progressing, one document at a time.


Point & Click

Ah, winter. That time of year when staying inside with as many DVDs as your video library memberships will allow would be So Right

Ah well.

(Courtesy of Mr Tripuraneni, The Goddess and I have been ripping through his copy of Battlestar Galactica Season 3. Such focus might be at the expense of the excellent Mad Men but that’s what VCRs are for.)

(And riffing on things television, I’m looking forward to tonight’s premiere of The Jacquie Brown Diaries, from those freakishly talented BunkerMedia boys.)
