Last weekend, Playmarket provided a one-day clinic for We Are Many, a newish play inspired by the Womens Mau Movement who continued passive resistance against the New Zealand occupation in 1930s Samoa.

The clinic was followed by a public reading where tears were shed — a good thing for a writer seeking audience emotional engagement, even at ‘just’ a reading — and feedback was gratefully received.
Many hugs and thanks to:
- Salesi Le’ota for organising the clinic and herding us cats;
- Ken Duncum for being the dramaturg and providing the (figurative) skirts for me to hide behind if/when necessary;
- Anya Tate-Manning for directing and questioning and guiding;
- and Lahleina Feaunati, Moana Leota, Tupe Lualua, Cassandra Sutherland and Manny Solomon for digging into their roles and giving voice to their characters.