
My apologies for the delay in updates at No excuses other than Life.

I should warn you that things like keeping the site content up-to-date and blogging have been taken over by yours truly. (Upon transition, the WebMistresse sternly advised, “don’t break it“, so I’m forging ahead with cautious enthusiasm.) This doesn’t mean she’s ridden into the sunset, pistols smoking on her hips, her job well done – I’m hoping she’ll provide technical support, and there are some newfangled things she wants to try out.

Quick update then:
–  the contents of the Scripts and Projects pages have been sorted out as logically as possible;
–  obviously, this blog is up and away, complete with Rants and Housekeeping categories;
–  and there’s been some tweaking, like a postal address for those who prefer snail mail.

You should be seeing less of these Housekeeping entries. They were fun while the site was being put together.

But now it’s time for more Rants.

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