Point & Click

I wish the past fortnight’s radio silence has been because of something exciting like negotiating a development deal or meeting multiple deadlines but alas, no: on top of a raft of Real World commitments, I’ve been sick. I’ve got some bloggy goodness lined up for you (that I have to, like, finish writing first) so until then –


2 Replies to “Point & Click”

  1. Hope you’ve got over the sickness. Seeing anything in the film festival this year? You Auckland people are in a good position to tell us Wellington people what we must see, and what we must avoid.
    That Gary Henderson website was a good find… I enjoyed his screenwriter interviews he’s got up there from Cannes a few years ago.

  2. oh gawd the pressssurrre….

    for me, this year’s film festival selection has been more oh i wouldn’t mind seeing that (but it’ll back) rather than oh my god i must see that, so i can’t help at all with recommendations or otherwise.

    we’re going to two, but: Loach‘s It’s a Free World… and the Isaac Julien doco Derek. i know Loach’ll return in limited release or DVD but we’re massive fans. (in addition to those two, i’m hoping to sneak out by myself and see Peur(s) du Noir.)

    i’d assumed Gary Henderson had done the same as Greg McGee and done some telly and/or film but, reading between the lines, he’s done a few tours in development hell.

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