Point & Click

Okay, the short didn’t make it into the local festival but – half a kilo of Whittakers‘ finest later – life. Goes. On.

Mm. This week, for your infotainment:


5 Replies to “Point & Click”

  1. Sorry to hear about the short… but there are so many festivals these days, you don’t have to put all your eggs into MIC’s basket.

  2. Thanks man – appreciate the shout-out (that is what a shout-out is, right…? Just trying to appear down with the kids by using their jive talk…)

    Thanks for the Fawlty Towers link. There’s a similar take on Doctor Who in a ‘Scriptwriter’ magazine (Issue 40, May 2008) which I thought was hilarious and want to distribute to every screenwriter I know…



  3. thanks for the commisserations, Ben. someone – not me – insisted that there be a Plan B, C, etc, and lo, we’re working through all those contingencies.

    time for me to use the Guild library, Sean! i do like the bit about the original reader’s notes being framed and mounted on someone’s wall.

  4. Cool.

    And yes, sorry to hear about the short too. Being knocked back sucks.

    Hope the chocolate was good however. Which flavour Whittakers?



  5. thanks Sean.

    Whittakers Macadamia rocks.

    (and yo, it is shout-out, homes – you’re on the blogroll, too.) (being a hip-hop fan from way back – like, when it was called ‘rap’ and it was supposed to herald the end of civilisation – i find it quite disconcerting when the stepdaughter pimp-rolls into the house after school and goes, “Sup”.)

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