
One month down the track and not only are we still here, we’re updating, yes’m we are.

Thanks again to the WebMistresse whose project-management skills and experience have ensured yours truly doesn’t get ahead of himself at the expense of his real work.

And all praise and appropriate animal sacrifices to The Goddess for her love, sharp-eyed copy-editing, and unwavering belief in this mortal.

For your entertainment this month:

 Scripts: I was going to start off easy with some short-film scripts I wrote once upon a time but then I thought, What the heck – and so, for the more masochistic readers, I’ve thrown in a feature script.

Other Writing: I know I said last month that this’d have all the pre-pubescent scribbles and adolescent angst that you could wave a baton at but… either I didn’t write for pleasure as a young ‘un, or I’ve blanked it out. All you’ll find here are whatever articles that I’ve thrown together for publication.

That’s it – next update’ll be 1 September.


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