
– and malo to dfmamea.com.

Besides singing my praises and touting for business, this site’s for people who want to check out my writing without me pacing and harrumphing in the room next door. (And should I find time for a blog, friends and family will tune in only to see when – not if – I commit industry- and/or career-harakiri with my attempts at wit.)

It’ll be coming on-line in stages over the next few months. One reason for this is that the very kind WebMistresse DeborahK has a fulltime job and is doing this voluntarily. Be nice to her. Another reason is that DeborahK will be waiting on me to provide copy and various files.

Coming soon to this space:

  Scripts: shorts, television and features;
  Projects: whatever’s in the works;
  Other Writing: all the poems, haiku, songs and one-man plays you can shake a stick at; and
  Rant: another bleeding blog… maybe… time permitting.

Until then, you’re stuck with this page (don’t forget the Links), my absolutely sizzling About page, and should you feel the need, my email address. Check back after 1 August for Stage Two.

… Hi. My name’s D F Mamea. I’m a screenwriter.


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